
“Health Level Seven International, or HL7, is a member-based, non-profit organization dedicated to creating and maintaining standards that bridge the gap in healthcare technology.
As the world’s leading developer of health information technology standards, it helps healthcare organizations improve patient care by streamlining processes, reducing development costs, and facilitating informed decision-making by care providers.”

HL7 website

Why medical standard ?

  • In order to reduce disconnects between all health care systems, there must some standard to achieve interoperability.
  • Standards are vital for interoperability.
  • Provide quality improvement and greater value Improve information access.
  • Helps to identify the mechanisms for protecting the privacy &confidentiality of individual’s health data.
  • Allows industry to move forward without having each individual having to the ground implementation..
  •  An Application Protocol for Electronic Data Exchange in Healthcare Environments.
whats is HL7


Why does healthcare need HL7?

Health Level-7 or HL7 refers to a set of international standards for transfer of clinical and administrative data Language that describes you, and your medical information, to all the Hospital information systems
Many specialists in healthcare organizations are required to access multiple electronic systems to view a patient’s diagnoses, and providing services without an integrated system is challenging.
This is where Fast Healthcare Interactive Resources ( FHIR ) come in and HL7 standards, such as the HLv2 messaging format or the latest FHIR, apply their value.
By providing a common language about content and structure for clinical data, data can be exchanged without ambiguity and risk of misinterpretation.

Advantages of HL7

  • HL7 provides guidelines to help software providers for healthcare organizations store and share data.
  •  increases the level of service provided to the patient during treatment.
  • Ensuring ease of data integration in a consistent, visible manner across systems.
  • Improving health care delivery.
  • Caring for patients safer.
  • Clinical research more effective.
  • Writing software more intuitive.
  • Paying for healthcare less costly.

International’s Vision

HL7 International is a consensus-based standards development organization (SDO).
A world in which everyone can securely access and use the right health data when and where they need it.

HL7 blog





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